Darker patches of skin are often the result of skin trauma of some kind, and if left to take natures course will fade gradually over time.
Depending on the severity of your case, the amount of time a hyperpigmentation scar takes to fade varies greatly, from a few weeks to years.
Happily, there numerous ways in which to improve the condition, these are the main options:
Natural treatments, laser therapies, chemical procedures, exfoliating techniques and hyperpigmentation creams.
With the on going boom in the home remedy market, natural treatments for hyperpigmentation are very popular, and for some people, are extremely successful.
The more invasive treatments like chemical peels and laser re-surfacing can all have good results, but along with the hefty price tag, do come with their risks.
I believe that the natural approach is by far the most effective, as well as posing no risk of scarring or further complications. During the last 10 years, topical creams for hyperpigmentation scars have improved dramatically.
In my opinion, the best lightening cream for hyperpigmention is a product called Meladerm. Fomulated using a secret blend of 100% natural products, it has had excellent reviews for the last five years, with many happy customers reporting a dramatic reduction in the appearance of their hyperpigmentation.
With the wide range of choices available for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, I would recommend trying natures way before taking a seat in the estheticians chair.